Cirujanos Plásticos en Greenbrae California
Dr. Stanley G. Poulos
Cirujano Plastico Greenbrae, CA 94904
Tummy Tuck
Women and men from all around the greater Greenbrae California marketplace have been achieving flatter and firmer mid-sections with a cosmetic surgery procedure called tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. There first step in determining if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck is by setting up an initial consultation with a certified plastic surgeon from your local Greenbrae area.
Your Greenbrae plastic surgeon will require you to provide a complete medical history; including any medications you are currently taking (whether prescribed, over-the-counter or herbal), if you have certain allergies or have had any previous surgeries or pregnancies or plan to have more children. Your plastic surgeon will also perform a full physical examination to determine the amount of loose skin and excess fat from your abdominal region that needs to be removed to achieve the desired results. Depending on his findings, you may need to include an additional procedure such as Smart Lipo or liposuction.
Your cosmetic doctor will also assess the current condition of your abdominal muscles and the elasticity of your skin both while standing and lying down; in addition to taking some "before" pictures to compare with your tummy tuck procedure “after” photos. It is during this initial appointment with your plastic surgeon that all concerns regarding the abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedure should be discussed.
Once it is agreed upon that you are a proper candidate for a tummy tuck surgery, your Greenbrae plastic surgeon will schedule your procedure and will give you a thorough list of pre-operative guidelines to follow. These instructions typically include some lab testing, general blood tests and a cardiac evaluation especially if there is a history of heart disease in your family line.
In the couple of weeks prior to your abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery, your plastic surgeon will require you to stop taking certain medications such as anticoagulants and aspirin, which have been shown to increase the risk of bleeding during surgery and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as certain over-the-counter and herbal medications which can also increase certain risks and complications.
A Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a form of reconstructive cosmetic surgery that is commonly performed in the greater Greenbrae California marketplace. Since the tummy tuck surgery itself can take approximately 3 to 6 hours to complete, it is almost always performed under general anesthesia.
The incision for an abdominoplasty is relatively long and stretches across the abdomen, from the top of one hip bone to the other. The incision is shaped sort of like a crooked smile, with the bottom running along the bikini line or pubic line. The edges of “the smile” make a curve up along the pelvis over the top of each hipbone. A second incision is made to free the navel or belly button from the connecting abdominal tissue in order to properly replace the navel in a correct position after the tummy tuck procedure is complete.
Once the incision has been made, your plastic surgeon separates the skin from the abdominal wall, exposing the rectus muscles (vertical abdominal muscles). It is quite common for these muscles to have been stretched apart or loosened by pregnancy or from excessive weight loss or age. These abdominal muscles are then stitched into a tighter position, both firming and reducing the overall size of the waistline. After the muscles have been repositioned and tightened, the loose and stretch-marked skin is pulled down and removed. Your plastic surgeon may also eliminate any additional fat deposits from around your abdomen, lower back, hips and love handles via liposuction. The navel or belly button is then brought through the skin covering via another tiny incision and stitched into its new location.
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