Plastic Surgeon Scottsdale Arizona

Dr. Shaun Parson
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The decision to undergo a cosmetic or reconstructive procedure should not be made lightly. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Shaun Parson and his team of professionals believe potential patients deserve access to all the information needed to make an informed decision; to understand what to expect before, during, and following your cosmetic surgery.
Having performed thousands of breast augmentations, breast lifts, liposuction and tummy tuck procedures in the Scottsdale and Phoenix areas; Dr. Parson has been delivering beautiful natural-looking results for nearly 15 years.
As the former Chairman of Plastic Surgery and Chief of Surgery at Scottsdale Healthcare Shea Hospital, Dr. Shaun Parson will work with you using TouchMD, which enables him to provide the most accurate and personalized cosmetic experience possible.
Below are just a few of the cosmetic enhancement procedures performed at Piper Surgery Center located in Scottsdale:
Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Neck Lift, Face Lift, Nose Reshaping, Arm and Leg Contouring, Liposuction, Tummy, Tuck and Buttock Lift
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is considered the top procedure among cosmetic surgery patients and has one of the highest rates of satisfaction. Most women are very happy with the results and have said they would recommend it to a friend or family member. In addition to creating a more youthful, feminine appearance and restoring lost volume due to weight loss and pregnancy; breast augmentation can have a very positive impact on a person's self-esteem.
There are many types of breast implants and different incisions locations that are used to perform a breast augmentation. Dr. Parson understands that every woman is unique and that not every patient should receive the same exact surgery method, therefore he will design a breast enhancement that is unique to each patient's body shape, lifestyle and cosmetic goals.
Buttock Augmentation
Sometimes after a person has lost a significant amount of weight or even with age and genetics, their buttocks lose its youthful shape and can become saggy. A buttock lift is a cosmetic surgery designed to re-lift a sagging buttocks. Though this procedure requires lengthy incisions, they are placed in such a way that they can generally be hidden by under garments or bathing suits.
At your initial consultation, Dr. Parson can help determine if you are a good candidate for a buttock lift procedure. He can also determine if additional procedures such a liposuction, thigh lift or tummy tuck can be performed with the buttock lift to help create the best overall result.
Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat and skin on the lower half of the abdomen. This procedure is also designed to repair muscles that have been stretched or damaged during significant weight gain or pregnancy. Unlike some other body contouring procedures which require small incisions, an abdominoplasty requires lengthy incisions. Fortunately, the placement of the incision can be generally hidden by underwear or a swim suit.
During your consultation, Dr. Parson will be able to determine whether you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck. Some patients are better suited for a mini-tummy tuck or liposuction due to the condition of the abdominal muscles and fat deposits.